We hope you like our mock-up TOP TRUMPS card pack that will soon be available. We are gathering some of our favourite Quest 79 challenges that capture the diversity of ideas and creativity that is happening! We are so inspired by the participation of people around the world and the creativity of ideas emerging. The youngest participant so far is age 6 (producing 79 episodes of the Messy Rainbow podcast, by kids for kids), and the oldest age 79 (my dad, who rode 79 miles on his bike for 79 years and raised a big chunk of money for The Spinal Injuries Association). Please check out the list of inspirational challenges that we are aware of so far, although we are sure its not fully comprehensive. Thirty of these fabulous stories are being selected to join the deck of our Top Trumps card pack. Our vision is for our Q79 Top Trumps to be played in families around the world, inspiring and helping us all remember that we can really unleash our incredible talents, skills and creativity when we commit to stepping even just a fraction out of our typical comfort zone. When we reveal some of the shiny inner gold inside us this way, we are positively impacting the lives of many as well as our own. We are looking to find distributors for the cards now, and look forward to making the game available far and wide!
We are so grateful to the CEO and team at Winning Moves who produce Top Trumps. They have generously offered to create many thousands of packs of Quest 79 Top Trumps cards free of charge to help support our vision of spreading inspiration around the world.