Enhancing Your Inner Gold

On the 7/9 (7th September 2021), we are aiming to create a very special day around Quest 79 and our purpose of enhancing INNER GOLD. We are going to bring together a virtual event with 79 ‘Inner Gold workers’: that is magical people committed to enhancing positive energy from around the world. Specifically, we would love to have 79 different countries involved, and invite people to join specific sessions led by these individuals. All the ‘Inner Gold workers’ will have different methods, modalities and ways of working, from meditation to energy work, inspirational talks and insights, and other natural healing practices. The variety will enhance the appeal for more people to take part and help us raise money for charities on that day.

The idea of the day is inspired by a super special and giving Quest 79’er, Rachel Earing, Energy Therapist and Founder of the Training College Live4Energy. Rachel carried out a beautiful Quest 79 of 79 Healings in 79 Hours starting on the 79th Day of the year – 20th March 2021. This event on the 7/9 is being led and coordinated by Rachel in her mission to bring energy therapy and healing modalities to the forefront of mental health assistance in the world.

“Possibility is a state of mind. When we change our mind we have the ability to change our reality. Our actions ripple out and inspire those around us. Positive action catches like a virus, and before you know it, your light twinkles and everyone around you lights up.”

Karen Darke MBE

We would really love for you to take part in this special day of healing, more relevant now than ever in a pandemic that has affected many people’s mental and physical health. It would be wonderful if you were able to do one or any of the following, or come forward with any others suggestion that appeals to you:

  • A 79 minute healing session / mini-event on the 7th of the 9th 2021
  • A 7 or 9 minute video supporting the Inner Gold Quest day
  • A short interview with us about how to enhance ‘Inner Gold’.

We are planning to carry out some research to assess any shifts and improvements in frequency and severity of symptoms that people taking part may have been experiencing. We welcome your potential involvement and any other ideas or contribution you would like to make to enhancing the energy, research or success of this event.   

There will be no charge for taking part, but you are invited to donate to the work of either a charity of your choice, or to support the ongoing work of rippling inspiration and supporting people to find Inner Gold via Quest 79.

Raising £79K for The Spinal Injuries Association